
Sunday, January 29, 2012

From the Words of Gene Fowler

"Writing is easy. All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead." ~ Gene Fowler
I think, as a writer we ALL have those moments. Writing isn't always going to be a breeze. Some stories for me come more naturally, I get into the flow faster. But others like to push me. I know what needs to happen but I don't know how to make it get there.

So I stare at the screen till my eyes are glazed. A probable synonym of the above.

But all in all, the success I feel when I complete a piece of writing, out weighs by far the irritation or annoyance that a character or paragraph can give me. Even if a "waste-basket is a writer's best friend." **, The End is much more heart-lifting.

What's writing like for you?

**-Isaac Bashevis Singer

Welcome to the World of Ink Inc

Welcome to Ink Inc! This blog was designed to share writing tricks, tips, tidbits, and other fun writing-related posts.  I'm Inky, and I'm a teen writer and hope to be published some time. I hope you'll be able to take something from this blog or enjoy it.
