
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Count Down To Crazy

Holy cow! It's already October. I don't know where my time is flying. November is just around the corner and that means.....

It's that time of month where a bajillion writers gather to cram out a 50,000 word novel in a moth. YAY for National Novel Writing Month! I totally love this program. I heard about it in 2010 for the first time a few days into the session. Needless to say, I didn't start because HELLO, what was I going to be writing? Okay moving on, so next year I was totally determined to do it. So I did. I grabbed a random idea from my Idea Bank, one that was from a genre I didn't even know how to write, wrote my butt off and ended up this:
It was totally one of the coolest things that I've done. I'm the kind of person who can do this and just WRITE my heart out -as long as the story is right- and compile a huge book. So it was a blast. At least in the sense that I WROTE A FREAKING SCI-FI NOVEL AND I LIKE NEVER READ OR WRITE SCI-FI! *hyperventilating happy dance*

Okay, so I love the concept of Nanowrimo and that fact that it helped me push and get my first DRAFT finished. Cuz, trust me, I've got a lot of UNFINISHED ones on the shelf. I'm already getting into the swing of things and planning my new hit. I"m REALLY excited about this book. I've been playing with it alot in the past couple months and just planning things as basic as a Power Balance (YES THERE IS MAGIC!) is so much fun.

But honestly I'm hitting the SAME road block I hit last year. WHAT THE HECK IS GOING TO HAPPEN IN MY BOOK? I mean I know like two scenes a few flimsy plo thappenings, but the one thing that is still veiled is ....Who are you Villain? What is your Goal? Characters are totally irritating sometimes. Trust me, I have dealt with some SASSY people in my brain.

Sometimes I try to force them to tell me what is going to happen and about themselves. But that just makes my brain hurt. Other times I just wait till they come to me. But that can take a long time! So I really don't have an honestly good solution to this problem.

How do you connect to your characters? Do you run through exercises  A list of questions? Take a field trip? Spill the Beans - I mean, share the beans- I'd love to get some tips.....

.........from my currently non-existent audience! ;)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Exectution Blog CPR

Sup? I know like no one reads this blog yet *manical laugh*, but I'm attempting to restore my activeness. Post more progress, writing quotes and other rad stuff. Soooooooo here we go!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

From the Words of Gene Fowler

"Writing is easy. All you do is stare at a blank sheet of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead." ~ Gene Fowler
I think, as a writer we ALL have those moments. Writing isn't always going to be a breeze. Some stories for me come more naturally, I get into the flow faster. But others like to push me. I know what needs to happen but I don't know how to make it get there.

So I stare at the screen till my eyes are glazed. A probable synonym of the above.

But all in all, the success I feel when I complete a piece of writing, out weighs by far the irritation or annoyance that a character or paragraph can give me. Even if a "waste-basket is a writer's best friend." **, The End is much more heart-lifting.

What's writing like for you?

**-Isaac Bashevis Singer

Welcome to the World of Ink Inc

Welcome to Ink Inc! This blog was designed to share writing tricks, tips, tidbits, and other fun writing-related posts.  I'm Inky, and I'm a teen writer and hope to be published some time. I hope you'll be able to take something from this blog or enjoy it.
